Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shelving Dilema Update

We removed the panelling behind the bar today only to reveal little to no space to work with. So much for recessed shelving. Susan isn't crazy about the wall to wall shelves so we are going to have to rethink this.

If you have any suggestions about other shelving options we would love to hear them.


  1. So...we're talking about putting liquor bottles back there primarily?

    1. Mainly liquor bottles, glassware, whatever nick nacks we have to put back there. We use to have a painting behind the bar but it looked out of place since nothing else was on the wall.

  2. Shleves set as deep in as you can between the studs, and made to stick out at least as deep as they go in. But the kicker is, instead of just a skinny shelf, use the space below the shelf to build an enclosed cabinet the same width as the shelf (stud width).

    So basically you end up with a handful of cabinets on the wall, maybe at varying heights, here and there, each with a shelf on top.

    1. Interesting idea. Sadly we have already put drywall up on the wall. : /
